Thursday, 10 October 2013


I have acquired a new toy! A remote control programmable LED light bulb. Here are the results of its first outing with a model. The painting is a colour study painted directly from the model. I take photos at the same time and then combine the colour study and photos to create a more finished work. The colour study was painted in fifteen minuets and the drawing took a day. Colour studies are done directly from the model and are really only a colour note as to what I saw at the time. Most are not worth looking at but this one works in its own right. The LED bulb provided the green/blue light and a normal tungsten spotlight provided the orange light.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Paintworks pear

A new posting on Daily Paintworks.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Daily Paintworks

It's been a while since I last posted anything here. That should change now. I have joined Daily Paintworks and will start posting the occasional link here.

Had an exhibition in Totnes with one of the life drawing groups I belong to last week. We did well, normally we only sell a couple of paintings/drawings in the entire week. This time I sold four and others did equally well!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

A new way of selling

Trying a new way of selling.....for me anyway. Follow the link to an online gallery.